New Amino Acid Quiz Page

I’ve been working on a new amino acid quiz. It’s not quite finished and it’s pretty basic (read static) but eventually I hope I can make it into a fun little quiz for when I need a refresher on the amino acids!

Liam Longo’s Manuscript Accepted to Cell: Structure

I am happy to be a co-author on Liam Longo’s manuscript which has been accepted to the journal Cell: Structure!  The paper is titled, “Alternative Folding Nuclei Definitions Facilitate the Evolution of a Symmetric Protein Fold from a Smaller Peptide Motif.

During this project, I helped Liam with expression and purification of some “circular permutations” of FGF-1 (a protein).  We discovered that circular permutation of FGF-1 is too destabilizing and none of the mutant proteins were able to fold.